Home Service Data transfer

Data upload via automated PDF workflow

Our online platform for data exchange, soft proof and print approval.
Quality is our top priority. That’s why we provide a quality-assured workflow for your PDF files via our system. Using your web browser, you can upload the data quickly and easily. The soft proof provides you with a print-ready preview of your data. And, of course, you can also approve the print job online right away.

You will receive a corresponding e-mail invitation to upload or approve your print job. Alternatively, we can provide you with permanent access to our online platform, giving you a complete overview of your jobs at all times.

Your PDF files are in good hands in our workflow. For all other data, we will be happy to provide you with appropriate access on request.

Access request

You would like to send us data and do not yet have access for data transmission? Send us a request via the contact form.

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