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Privacy Policy


Druckstudio GmbH, Prof.-Oehler-Str. 10, 40589 Dusseldorf, Germany
Tel.: +49 211 77 09 63-0
Email: info@druckstudiogruppe.com
is, as the website operator of www.druckstudiogruppe.com, the Controller (hereinafter referred to as “we”) within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), other national data protection laws of the Member States and other data protection provisions pertaining to the personal data of users (hereinafter referred to as “you”).

We take care to protect your privacy and your personal data. We collect, process and use your personal data in accordance with these data protection provisions and the applicable data protection requirements, in particular those set out in the GDPR. Please read and note the details below to ensure you are fully aware of the way in which your personal data is collected and used on this website.

1. Collecting Personal Data

1.1 Within the meaning of these data protection provisions, personal data constitutes all information that pertains to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter the “data subject”). This includes in particular your name, address, email address and telephone number.

1.2 Personal data also includes information relating to your usage of our website. In this respect, we collect the following personal data from you: information about your visits to our website such as data transfer volumes, the location where you accessed data from our website, and other connection data and sources that you access. The data is usually collected by using log files and cookies. You can find out more about log files and cookies below.

1.3 As a general principle, your personal data is stored for as long as there is a contractual relationship between you and ourselves. Should we collect your IP address, this shall only be stored while you use the website and will be subsequently deleted or anonymised by truncation without undue delay.

2. Intended Purpose and Legal Grounds
2.1 Intended Purposes

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

2.1.1 To provide the services you want, including answering your queries and for technical administration;

2.1.2 To fulfil our obligations arising from any contractual agreements made between yourself and us;

2.1.3 To inform you of any amendments to our services.

2.2 Legal Grounds

Your personal data is processed on the basis of the following legal grounds:

2.2.1 The collection of data outlined in section 1.2 (information about your visits to our website such as data transfer volumes, the location where you accessed data from our website, and other connection data) is based on article 6, para. 1 f) of the GDPR. This stipulates that processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child.

2.2.2 The collection of information pertaining to your computer as described in sections 1.2 and 3.1 (IP address, status and amount of data in the request) is based on article 6, para. 1 f) of the GDPR (see above).

2.2.3 The processing of your other personal data is based on article 6, para. 1 b) of the GDPR. This stipulates that the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract.

2.2.4 If consent in accordance with article 6, para. 1 a) of the GDPR constitutes the legal grounds for the data collection / data processing, you may revoke this consent at any time. This shall not affect the lawfulness of any processing based on this consent that takes place before the consent is revoked.

3. Information Pertaining to Your Computer, Cookies and Targeting

3.1 We collect the following information pertaining to your computer every time you access our website: your computer’s IP address, the request from your browser and the time of your request. The status and the amount of data transferred in relation to such requests are also recorded. Your computer’s IP address shall only be stored while you use the website and will be subsequently deleted or anonymised by truncation without undue delay. We use such data to make sure our website can function, in particular to establish and remedy website errors in order to establish website utilisation and carry out modifications or improvements.

3.2 Under certain circumstances, we also collect information about your usage of our website by using “browser cookies”. These are small text files that are stored on your data storage device and that themselves store certain settings and data via your browser to communicate with our system. A cookie generally contains the name of the domain from which the cookie data was sent, information about how old the cookie is, and an alphanumerical identifier. Cookies enable our systems to recognise users’ devices and to make potential pre-settings immediately available. As soon as a user accesses the platform, a cookie is transferred to the hard drive of the respective user’s computer. Cookies help us to improve our website and offer you a better service that is tailored to your needs. They enable us to recognise your computer whenever you return to our website and thus to:

– Save information about your preferred website activities and thereby adapt our website to your specific interests. This includes advertising that corresponds to your personal interests, for example.

– Process your requests more quickly.

3.3 Only the data listed above pertaining to your usage of the website is stored in the cookies we use. The data is not assigned to you personally, but instead an identification number is allocated to the cookie (a “cookie ID”). The cookie ID is not linked to your name, IP address or to similar data that would allow a cookie to be traced back to your person. Information on how you can disable browser cookies can be found in section 3.6.

3.4 Our website uses tracking technology. We use this technology to make our Internet offering more interesting for you. This technology makes it possible to display advertising content on our partners’ websites to Internet users who have already shown interest in our website. Such advertising is placed onto our partners’ sites by using cookie technology and by analysing previous usage patterns. We will only use this technology if you have consented to this, if it is required to conclude or perform a contract with you or if other legal provisions permit us to do so.

3.5 We work with business partners who help us make the Internet offering and the website more interesting for you. When you visit the website, cookies from these partner companies are therefore stored on your hard drive, too. These cookies are automatically deleted after a predetermined period of time. The cookies of our partner companies also only use a cookie ID to collect data that enables our advertising partners to display advertising content that may interest you. Information on how you can deactivate these cookies can be found in section 3.6.

3.6 If you do not wish browser cookies to be used, you can adjust your browser settings so that cookies will not be stored. If you choose to do this, please note that you may not be able to use certain, or any, functions of our website. If you only wish to accept our own cookies, and not cookies from our service providers and partners, you can adjust your browser settings by choosing “Block third-party cookies”.

4. Google Analytics

4 4.1 This website uses Google Analytics – a web analytics service from Google Inc. (“Google”). This service forms part of Universal Analytics. It allows data, sessions and interactions across several devices to be assigned to one pseudonym user ID and thereby enables a user’s activity to be analysed across more than one device.

4.2 Google Analytics uses cookies that enable your website usage to be analysed. The information provided by the cookie about your usage of this website is normally transferred to and stored on a Google server in the United States. If, however, the Anonymise IP option has been activated on this website, Google will remove the end of your IP address so it only locates you as within the Member States of the European Union or other members of the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the complete IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the United States and truncated there. Please also note that an Anonymise IP extension has been added to Google Analytics on this website to ensure IP addresses are recorded anonymously (IP masking). The IP address provided by your browser for Google Analytics will not be combined with other data held by Google. Further details about terms of service and privacy can be found at


4.3 Purposes of the Processing
Google will use this information on behalf of the operator of this website to analyse your usage of the website, to compile reports on website activity, and to provide the website operator with other services associated with website and Internet usage.

4.4 Legal Grounds
Article 6, para. 1 f) of the GDPR constitutes the legal grounds for using Google Analytics.

4.5 Recipients / Categories of Recipients
The recipient of the collected data is Google.

4.6 Transmissions to Third Countries
Personal data is transmitted to the United States in compliance with the EU-US Privacy Shield on the basis of the adequacy decision made by the European Commission. You can access the certification here: https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt000000001L5AAI

4.7 Duration of Data Storage
After 14 months, the data we send that is linked to cookies, user IDs or advertising IDs is automatically deleted. Once a month, data for which the retention period has expired is automatically deleted.

4.8 Rights of Data Subjects
You can object to Google Analytics being used by setting your browser software accordingly to prevent cookies from being stored; we would advise you, however, that you may not have full access to all the functions of this website if you do so.

4.9 Furthermore, you can prohibit Google from recording and processing the data generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en. This will activate an opt-out cookie that prevents your data from being recorded when you visit this website in future. You will need to activate this opt-out cookie on every system you use to prevent Universal Analytics from recording data across different devices. You can click here to activate the opt-out cookie: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout

5. Google Maps

5.1 Certain pages on this website use the Google Maps service.

5.2 Upon accessing a page on this website that uses Google Maps, a direct connection will be created between your browser and a Google server in the United States. The information that you have visited this site using your IP address will be sent directly to the Google server by your browser and saved there. When using Google Maps, information about your usage of this website, including your IP address and the (start) address entered as part of the route planner, will be transmitted to Google in the United States. Further details about terms of service and privacy can be found at

https://www.google.com/intl/en_US/help/terms_maps.html https://privacy.google.com/intl/en/businesses/mapscontrollerterms/

5.3 Purposes of the Processing
Data is used to display interactive maps and generate directions.

5.4 Reference
Further information about how this Google service is used can be found in section 4, which is referred to here to avoid repetition.

5.5 If you do not want Google to collect, process or use data about you via this website as part of Google Maps, you can adjust your browser software settings accordingly to deactivate JavaScript. However, you cannot use the map display function if you do so.

6. Social Media Plug-ins

6.1 We currently use the following social media plug-ins: Google+, Twitter and Xing. We use the “two-click solution” for these plug-ins. This means that, whenever you visit our website, generally no personal data is initially transferred to the plug-in provider. You can see who the plug-in provider is from the label on the box by looking at its initial letter or the logo. You can use the button to get in touch with the plug-in provider directly. The plug-in provider will only receive information that you have accessed the relevant website of our online offering if you click and thereby activate the selected field. The data set out in section 3 of this privacy policy is also transmitted. With regard to Xing, the respective providers within Germany state that the IP address is anonymised immediately after it is recorded. By activating the plug-in, your personal data is therefore transmitted to the respective plug-in provider and stored there (in the case of U.S. providers, it is stored in the United States). Given that the plug-in provider collects data, notably by using cookies, we recommend that you delete all cookies by adjusting your browser privacy settings before you click on the greyed-out box.

6.2 We have no influence on the collected data and the data processing procedures; in addition, we do not know the full extent of the data collection, the purposes of the processing, or the storage periods. We also do not possess information on the deletion of the collected data by the plug-in provider.

6.3 The plug-in provider stores the data they collect about you as usage profiles, which they use for the purposes of advertising, market research and/or customising their website to specific needs. In particular, the data is used in this way (even for users who are not logged in) to display targeted advertising and to inform other users of the social network about your activity on our website. You have a right to object to these user profiles being created; to exercise this right, you must get in touch with the respective plug-in provider. The plug-ins allow us to offer you the opportunity to interact with social networks and other users so that we can improve our offering and make it more interesting for you as a user. Article 6, para. 1 f) of the GDPR constitutes the legal grounds for using such plug-ins.

6.4 The data is transferred irrespective of whether you have an account with the plug-in provider or whether you’re logged into such an account. If you are logged into your account with the plug-in provider, the data we have collected about you will be directly assigned to your account with the plug-in provider. If you click the activated button and, for example, link to the site, the plug-in provider will store this information in your user account, too, and publicly share it with your contacts. We recommend that you regularly log out after using social networks, but particularly before activating the button so that you can prevent your data from being assigned to your account with the plug-in provider.

6.5 You can find further information on the purpose and scope of the data collected and its processing performed by the plug-in provider in their privacy policies listed below. These policies also contain further information about the relevant rights and settings for protecting your privacy.

Google+: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en. Google has agreed to uphold the EU-US Privacy Shield, see section 4.6

Twitter: https://twitter.com/privacy Twitter has agreed to uphold the EU-US Privacy Shield, https://www.privacyshield.gov/EU-US-Framework

Xing: Xing AG, Gänsemarkt 43, 20354 Hamburg, DE: https://www.xing.com/privacy

7. YouTube

7.1 We have integrated YouTube videos into our online offering that are stored on https://www.YouTube.com and can be played directly on our website.

7.2 If you visit the website, YouTube receives information that you have accessed the relevant subpage on our website. The data set out in section 3 of this privacy policy is also transmitted. This occurs irrespective of whether YouTube provides a user account that you are logged into or whether there is no user account. If you are logged into Google, your data is directly assigned to your account. You need to log out before activating the button if you do not want your data to be assigned to your YouTube profile. YouTube stores your data as usage profiles, which it uses for the purposes of advertising, market research and/or customising its website to specific needs. In particular, the data is used in this way (even for users who are not logged in) to place targeted advertising and to inform other users of the social network about your activity on our website. You have a right to object to these user profiles being created; you must get in touch with YouTube to exercise this right.

7.3 You can find further information on the purpose and scope of the data collected and its processing performed by YouTube under the following links from the provider:


Google also processes your personal data in the United States and has agreed to uphold the EU-US Privacy Shield, see section 4.6.

8. Data Security

All information that you transmit to us is stored on servers within the European Union. Unfortunately, transmitting information via the Internet is not fully secure; we therefore cannot guarantee the security of data transmitted to our website via the Internet. We do, however, secure our website and other systems by taking technical and organisational measures to safeguard your data against loss, destruction, access, amendments and dissemination by unauthorised persons. In particular, we make sure to transfer your personal data in encrypted form. To do so, we use the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) security protocol.

9. No Transfers of Your Personal Data

We do not transfer your personal data to third parties, unless you have consented to the data transfer or we are entitled or obligated to transfer the data due to statutory provisions and/or a court order or public authority order. A transfer is required and permitted by law (see Legal Grounds section 2.2), for example, to execute a concluded contract for supplying goods or for commissioning services. This shall apply to transfers of your data to suppliers, transport companies, credit organisations or other service providers used to execute a contract. Your express consent is required for any use over and above this. A statutory obligation to transfer such data may in particular include an obligation to issue information for the purposes of criminal convictions, averting danger or asserting intellectual property rights.

10. Deleting Data and Duration of Storage

Data subjects’ personal data is deleted or blocked as soon as the purpose for storing it is no longer relevant. Data may continue to be stored if this is stipulated by European or national legislators in EU regulations, statutes or other provisions which the Controller is obliged to adhere to. The data is then also blocked or deleted if a storage period stipulated by the above-listed EU regulations, statutes or other provisions which the Controller is obliged to adhere to expires, unless there is a necessity to continue storing the data for the purposes of concluding or performing a contract.

11. Data Protection and Third-Party Websites

The website may contain hyperlinks to and from third-party websites. If you follow a hyperlink to one of these websites, please note that we cannot accept any responsibility or liability for third-party content or their data protection terms and conditions. Please consult the relevant updated data protection terms and conditions before transmitting your personal data to such websites.

12. Amendments to These Data Protection Provisions

We shall retain the right to amend these data protection provisions with future effect at any time. An updated version can be accessed on the website. Please regularly visit the website and consult the applicable data protection provisions.

13. Contact Details and Your Rights

You possess comprehensive rights with regard to how your personal data is processed. Firstly, you possess a comprehensive right to access your personal data and may request, where applicable, for your personal data to be corrected and/or deleted and/or blocked. You may also request that the processing is restricted and possess the right to object as well as a right to data portability. Should you wish to assert your rights and/or receive further information about this topic, please contact us at datenschutz@druckstudiogruppe.com.

The contact details of our data protection officer are as follows:

ISiCO Datenschutz GmbH, Am Hamburger Bahnhof 4, 10557 Berlin, Germany
Tel. no.: +49 30 213002850
Email address: berlin@isico-datenschutz.de

You also possess the right to complain to a supervisory authority. If you have any questions, feedback or queries regarding how we collect, process and use your personal data, please contact us using the contact details stated above.