Digital publishing – publish on all channels

Do you want to get more out of your print products and reach your customers through a range of different channels? If so, why not take advantage of Druckstudio’s expertise for your digital publishing strategy?

Even in the digital age, print products still offer a perfect means of communicating with your customers. But there are several other innovative and efficient ways of reaching your target audience. These can be applied on a global scale without any need for complicated distribution structures. Cutting edge and fast to implement, these channels can also be used to complement printed products. We will be more than happy to help you in this area with our highly effective, customised solutions:

> Click image to flip through



Our HTML-based flipbooks provide a quick and cost-effective solution for making existing print products accessible online. All we need is a PDF file, which we then use to create a state-of-the-art, searchable flipbook of your data that can be displayed on all devices using standard web browsers. The background, logo and navigation elements can also be adapted to your brand image.

PDF eReader

If you have several publications you would like your customers to be able to access via a tablet app, we can support you with our PDF-based app solutions. A “kiosk app”, for instance, provides a user-friendly and clear way to display multiple issues of a magazine or a number of price lists, product catalogues and other print products. Subscription models and purchasing options can also be displayed using this kind of app – all based on PDF data that can be augmented with additional content as necessary.

Business Distribution

Do you want to keep your sales team and customers updated with the latest information on product sheets, catalogues and price lists? If so, why not use a tablet app to display your content? Our business distribution solution can be used not just to display general information in an app, but also to provide access to additional materials such as price lists and other sales-related information via a login system and user profiles. This means the same app can be used to provide different information to customers and the in-house team. The information can be updated centrally at any time and distributed worldwide in real time to ensure that everyone has access to the latest information.

Sound advice – right from the start

The opportunities that digital publishing opens up are highly diverse and are forever changing in this still very young market. And not every solution will meet your requirements exactly. We will therefore take the time to help you analyse your needs and provide comprehensive advice on choosing the right tools.
