Certification to environmental standard EMAS

The Druckstudio Group is certified to EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme), the world’s highest environmental standard. This certification provides transparent and verifiable evidence of the effective way we are helping to protect the environment.

EMAS guarantees compliance with the highest environmental standards worldwide. It verifies that companies are meeting their obligations to protect the environment and are freely choosing to continuously improve their environmental performance – and to do so beyond statutory requirements. It is also based on ISO standard 14001 (environmental management), but takes this further with additional elements.

EMAS-Zertifikat EN
EMAS-Zertifikat EN

One important element of EMAS certification is the regular publication of an environmental declaration. This provides a transparent insight into the voluntary contributions of a consistently and sustainably implemented environmental protection strategy. All statements in the environmental declaration are checked by an independent, state-registered environmental auditor to ensure they are correct. EMAS environmental declarations are thus highly transparent and credible.

Our 2019 environmental declaration can be requested in electronic or printed format  ▸ E-Mail

Further information

Download the certificate

Download our EMAS certificate as a PDF file here.